FOD Tool & Part Trays
One emerging industrial issue is that of managing FOD with strict Tool Control. Plastic Engineering has developed Tool Control methods that are effective for managing both Foreign Object Damage and the cost of Tool Control. Find out how we can help cut costs while setting up Tool Control methods in the workplace.
Sample Work
Got FOD offers custom two-tone tool and part trays, including fitting for industrial-strength SKB cases.

Unique Tool & Part Kitting
No More Cutting Tool Drawers by Hand!
How It Works
As Easy as 1, 2, 3!

Purchase System
Purchase the lightbox system for on-site use to quickly photograph tools or parts.
Submit Photos
Submit photos to Plastic Engineering by email or by using our secure FTP site. Our team will then convert the photo to a CAD file using our custom software solution.
After the file has been converted, it will be uploaded to a CNC router or waterjet to produce your shadowboard, also known as a tool or part drawer. PlaSteel will retain a database of your files for future use as needed.
Tool Photo Box System
TPBS Kit includes:
- lightbox
- camera stand
- enclosure
- camera
- accessories

Our Proprietary Materials
This is nothing new, except that we can cut it to match the specific requirements of your tooling and part kitting needs. STATA-LITE will break down over time though, just like any other foam.
Available Colors:
Black, Red, Blue, Yellow
This material sits between STATA-CELL and STATA-LENE in both cost and performance. Like STATA-LENE, this material is chemically inert. It is also exceptionally rigid and will never break down. (You could run it over with a truck and it would laugh at you.)
Available Colors:
Black, White, Light Gray, Beige, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Light Blue, Purple
This is our answer to standard foam break-down and FOD concerns. STATA-CELL will not break down like foam, and the difference in price is negligible. STATA-CELL is our most popular solution.
Available Colors:
Black, White, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Lime Green, Light Blue, Beige
STATA-LENE is our answer to the ESD dilemma. This will be our recommendation for any clean room or FOD Critical environment. As a result of material cost, this option generally costs about twice as much as our STATA-CELL.
Available Colors:
Black (Blue ESD Mat is used to create two-toned effect for visual management)
The Tower
- Visual Management
- Small Footprint
- Fully Customizable
- Sliding Tool Trays
- Steel Structure
- ESD Option
- Mobile
Watch the Tower video to see the system in action

Customizable FOD Signs
Eliminate FOD
Different Products for Different Needs
- Part Control
- Enclosed HCO’s & Drawers
- Portable HCO’s
- Slanted Pockets
- ESD Available (also in 2-tone)
Customizable Features
- Perforated FOD Tray System
- Handles
- Removable Walls
- Security Latches
- Clear-Hinged Lids